tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|1 year ago

come on now is not the time to copy paste stuff like this. be respectful and original for once please. i understand that's the point of this thread but this is irritating for people who were hurt by this news.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|1 year ago

LLT 🕊️

Gaming_64 e Hi curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|1 year ago

long live techno, fly high king

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 e 1 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 e 1 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

i dont think we need more

Gaming_64 e SpeedyFolf curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

[quote] First of all, all the tickets are reviewed, but are just not responded to. [/quote] what's stopping them from doing it? even if there are too many tickets that the mods can't physically respond to all of them then it's not that hard to code a program that sends the submitter an email automatically when their ticket has in fact been reviewed by a mod. i would really like to see if any of the mods cared to read through my ticket or not so that i know if it got ignored. they don't even need to send an email or to respond to it, all i want is to see some kind of confirmation that my ticket did in fact get reviewed and didn't go unnoticed. even a notification in the message box would do the job, or a tiny message at the bottom of the ticket. [quote] Maybe they need another one, maybe not, but that's the company's call. [/quote] i'm not saying they need another site mod, i'm saying that they need more than just 1 more site mod, or at the very least, give volunteers a chance to moderate for free and see how it goes. if they do a good job, they could get hired as official mods of the site, and if not they can simply be reverted back to a regular user. [quote] adding another site mod is expensive when you account for payroll. [/quote] you said this at the beginning of your post [quote] suggestions for the site take time to implement, especially when ELO has multiple other high traffic sites [/quote] i struggle to believe that even with 2 or more other sites that have over a million users active monthly and even with all the ads they put on itself that they aren't making enough money to hire more staff. i would understand if elo was a business that was just starting out but this is clearly not the case. they most likely can financially afford hiring new staff members but aren't doing it yet for some reason.

Gaming_64 e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

[quote] @| You submit troll runs lmfao, like we're going to listen. [/quote] ok so submitting low effort runs now invalidate your right to state your opinion about a subject on a public forum, got it. then no one should listen to what @Tutterey and many others have to say.

Gaming_64 e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

[quote] They started listening to ideas, I even got a response to one of my support hub feedback tickets. [/quote] assuming your information is correct then that is only 50% of the problem sort of solved, the other half is actually implementing said tickets. also just because you got a response doesn't mean that they started listening to ideas, i have a ticket submitted for a little over 8 months with no response as of yet and i'm certainly not the only one that is being ignored, so if they really are listening to ideas now they should be listening to most if not all of them that seem reasonable instead of responding to 1 ticket and ignoring the next 10 tickets (just an example). [quote] the new community manager is great [/quote] sadly the management team of src doesn't just consist of meta and starsmiley which are doing their job wonderfully. there's a whopping 5 accounts on the entire site that have the elo staff badge, of which 1 of them is literally an alt account and keep in mind that this site is approaching 1 million users. for a comparison, back when times were simpler and pac was running the site with only about 100-200k users there were at least 10 content mods or staff members that were actively keeping the site alive (keep in mind that 10 is a generous understatement, there could have even been 15-20 staff members). and by far the most important change for me personally is that this site was created by speedrunners as a hub where speedrunners could submit their times to compete against each other. no more, no less. but after elo stepped into the scene, the site was no longer owned by speedrunners and improving its primary function as a database for speedruns wasn't the main focus of the owners anymore, their focus shifted to making as much money as possible off of it. (also, now names of the true owners of the site are being kept secret, we don't know who is responsible for those decisions anymore)

Gaming_64 e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

because they are and they have been ever since elo came into the scene. this site had so much potential but that potential was wasted due to elo's terrible management decisions and most importantly, due to not listening to the community who built this website and made it big in the first place. it's a lost cause at this point and i would love to see it completely die down because that's the only way the high ups at elo will understand that this site is in a miserable place right now.

Gaming_64 e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

slightly more relevant

tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

guitar for like 3 years

Gaming_64 e james curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

[quote=u] @-, @@, @|, thoses are rly good names [/quote] thanks :)

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Speedrunning
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

[quote] Hey how about we don't throw shade on people when trying to talk about positive moments [/quote] i think you misunderstood, i didn't mean to throw shade on shaeden, if anything i liked him and slipperynip more than the people who overreact a lot to their world records (which i have nothing against to be perfectly clear)

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Introductions
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

I completed the Minecraft in 1.17 minutes. Making it the world record .

Also I didn't killed ender dragon to achieve this . So see it yourself

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Speedrunning
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

idk about the best popoff but i know the worst popoffs come from shaeden bcs he literally didn't react at all when he set records

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Speedrunning
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

no idea

e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

very similar story to @Hi except my pfp is from the first battlepass, i only have the first 7 ones though but those are widely considered the best ones.

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago


Gaming_64, Pear, e Hi curtiu isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

you can be cooler, but im hotter than everyone else (no joke it's 36 degrees celcius outside)

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
tópico: Talk
Tokyo, Japan|2 years ago

ok @_

Gaming_64 curtiram isso
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